Identifying Your Time Management Matrix

“Your Time is Money.”

What’s Your Time Management Matrix?

We’ve all heard of, and many of us have read, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

How often do we read an influential book, maybe even mention it over the years, think of it, perhaps even quote it?

But, how often do we apply the strategies and habits of these proliferating books into our everyday life?

There was an article written a few years ago by contributing author, Eric Jackson, who brought to attention the idea that the most valuable thing we can take away from the book is the Time Management Matrix. He mentions that by setting aside time at the beginning of every week to create your own TMM can have dramatic and lasting results in your life over the long and short-term.

Since what we are required to do day in and day out requires so much planning, resilience, and determination, I thought perhaps it might help you to employ this method at the beginning of your week.

Here is what that matrix looks like:

Quadrant 1 | Urgent, Important

These are the items that have to be addressed. You can’t ignore these tasks nor can you put them off. A few good examples might be appointments you’ve set up for the day, taking your licensing test, or going to a boot camp or core training session.

Quadrant 2 | Not Urgent, Important

This quadrant includes so many things: Exercising, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, finding time to read, learning an instrument, spending time on a hobby, continuing education, making time for family or friends, etc. These are all activities that are not necessarily urgent, but incredibly important. I implore you to make these a high priority, and find a way to schedule them into your everyday routine. They should be a big part of your regimen each week!

Quadrant 3 | Urgent, Not Important

This quadrant is the one that stops the show. It’s a culmination of all the many little things that keep us from doing the things we must, such as distractions, emails, phone calls, etc. Many of these categories are non-negotiable, but we should take great care and concern to carefully keep this corner in check. If we don’t, we risk decreasing productivity.

Quadrant 4 | Not Urgent, Not Important

Last but not least, maybe even arguably the most important, is quadrant four. This quadrant consists of all of the things that, quite literally, waste our time. Blogger Sebastian at wrote an interesting article highlighting ten ways to waste your time. I thought it appropriate to include them in this section!

Watching television
Feeling hopeless about the state of the world
Staying mad at people
Mulling things over
Trying to solve everyone’s problems
Trying to make everyone like you
Doing something you don’t like
Not going after your dream

I would also argue that social media and texting could also fall into this quadrant, though it’s a battle we all fight.

The point, my friends, is to carefully consider your time. Know it’s importance and value. Treat it like the prized possession that it is.

Adhere to these words: Develop a regimen and STICK WITH IT.

Reevaluate, and reevaluate, and reevaluate.

Weed out the activities that aren’t getting you closer to your goal.

And always, always, keep a positive attitude. I passionately believe in the power of positive thinking, and trust that you, all of you, will get that for which you aim.

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